Problematic of Haitian agriculture / From yesterday to today, what assessment?

Haiti: Agriculture: a means of fighting against underdevelopment and poverty in Haiti.
The Haitian government leaves the issue of agriculture in the hands of USAID, it’s not up to Haitians to take charge of their own destiny, and USAID is responsible for agricultural development.

Criminal, corrupt and mean Haitian leaders with the support of the United States government to continue to mistreat the Haitian people. This is the total failure of the international community in Haiti.

But, where American producers and breeders are going to dispose of the waste of their agricultural products that they do not need, it is in Haiti that they will send to sell the rest of this agricultural waste.
In the northeast, Fort-Liberté, the inhabitants of this department live on agricultural products from the Dominican Republic, on the contrary, the Haitian leaders are very proud, then that the Dominican Republic and the United States of America occupy the belly of the Haitian population. We have leaders in Haiti who are never ashamed and never feel embarrassed.

In 2010, after the earthquake passed, the former American president, Mr. William Jefferson Clinton made a statement before the American Congress, acknowledging that he had exerted political pressure on Mr. Jean Bertrand Aristide, Former President of Haiti, to lower taxes in favor of large American rice producers. Mr. Clinton admits to having done a lot of harm and crime in Haiti.

Many people who reflect on the Haitian crisis believe that the problem is so complex and difficult that it will take a long time to put an end to this evil that is eating away at all social strata, without distinction, of a population tired of omnipresent mutant insecurity. Indeed, this complexity as well as this difficulty of the problems facing the Haitian people require mature reflections to be able to come up with effective solutions capable of getting the country out of this hell. However, the country has been plummeting further into poverty and insecurity for several decades; today, the Haitian people are going through one of the most difficult moments in their history. Hunger, insecurity in all its forms, the unleashing of nature and so many other socio-political evils stalk the population at the bottom of its entrails, thus lowering it to the subhuman state. The country is therefore embarking on the path of ungovernability.

Considering the facts, it is obvious that politicians are taken for granted today. However and unfortunately, these leaders, stronger in speeches in order to manage their quinquennium of power, make only empty promises in a country in decline. As such, one could well wonder, alongside the aspiring political parties of power without a real vision of development, if the general policy of a prime minister before parliament is not only an exercise in dissertation to declaim in a highly rhetorical tone to satisfy the "parliamentarians" in order to have the latter's approval. Twenty years, thirty years of reflection, of general policies endorsed but in reality unsuccessful, that the country continues in its collapse. The frail infrastructures inherited from the eras of American colonization (1915-1934) and the first period of the Duvalier dynasty collapsed for lack of political stability and the responsibility of those who received their mandate. On February 07, 1986, the people were delighted to have flanked the yoke of the "Jean-Claude" dictatorship; in the euphoria of this second independence was born a new constitution aiming to kill in the germs all new dictatorial intentions without real measures to accompany the social, political and economic transitions. Besides, it was the beginning of "free freedom", great freedom without measure, the era of big promises with no way out, of continuous political crises, of "dechoukaj" accompanied by looting, coup d’état, up to the Head of State in office who even offers the people to accompany him to demonstrations against untenable hunger. What sacrificing irresponsibility! In short, it may be an expression or at least a democratic demonstration in the Haitian style. If an elected head of state chooses to take to the streets to demonstrate, it goes without saying that the country's crisis is much deeper. Even the leaders have grievances. So, we can wonder who the real leaders of the country are.

So here we are today in a country criticized both internally and externally with the following situation that I tried to represent roughly. Haiti now finds itself in what I describe as being the "infernal circle of absolute poverty" and which I schematize below, following in the footsteps of the lazy States [1] of the group of developing countries.

The total failure of the international community led by the United States of America in Haiti.

[1] It is a concept that I use in an article under preparation on poverty and underdevelopment by analyzing the case of Haiti to designate the developing countries linked to international banks and large countries by their over-indebtedness and who exhibit their positive macroeconomic performance without really worrying about real poverty for the sole purpose of pleasing their creditors and justifying their political struggles to stay in power.

Today, it is no longer a question of making beautiful speeches; the situation is critical. If we want to be simple and direct, we can say that poverty is the inability of a person or a population to provide their basic needs in time and place (food, health, education) in a way autonomous and this for the only reason that it does not have the means. Thus, poverty reduction is an effective way out of this famous "infernal circle of absolute poverty". In our reflection we plan to see what role agriculture can play in the fight against poverty and underdevelopment in the country.

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